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Commission Work 

Commissioning artwork that is a highly unique one off piece is the collaboration between the artist and the collector. Bringing the collector's vision and ideas to life ( or creating a piece of art that has inspired you (the collector) from the artist beforehand) obtaining something that is sentimental, exquisite and unique.

The Commission Process 

: A consultation will take place via email where we (artist and collector) will discuss and go over all the details that you the collector has in mind. We will explore your visions ideas and any or all key details that you would wish to include into the piece. We will discuss subject matter, colour palette, style and size allowing for an overall preliminary estimate.


: A 50% instalment  is required once the paint application begins. 


: Final payment will be due on approval of yourself upon the completion of the artwork.

Princess Katherine .jpg


: Pricing is based off of the complexity of the painting and that of the subject matter and given details specified by the collector.


: I work from photo references, photos that I capture myself  I always tend to have images that fit the collectors vision. Having a large body of photography work means that I can strongly render your vision and bring it to life making the piece more believable. Your vision manifested onto the canvas. However I am very open to suggestions and images of your own that you may want me to work with. I would be more than happy to consider your photo's of places, animals, people and so fourth. 


: Shipping is an additional cost and is determined when the piece is measured, weighed, and packed. Pricing does vary depending on the collectors final destination. 

I assure you that I do my upmost best to find reasonable enough prices with the assurance of the artwork arriving safely. 




Robin Red

Contact The Artist

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